About Us

LoperOnline.com is the latest, trusted, complete, and latest news portal around Politics, Economics, Travel, Technology, Automotive, Health, Business, Lifestyle, Family, Gossip Artist, Inspiration, Fashion and Beauty.

News that is honest, balanced and independent becomes the truth in the midst of the development of media sympathizers because of political or business needs. To be honest is to present evidence of what is there, without being subtracted or added. Balanced is to give him a similar allotment for the relevant factions, not one-sided and give him azas justice. Being independent of the purpose of editorial control is free from any suppression or interference.

In the age of info flow that arrived like a flood, the public’s belief in the right info and trustworthy be a reference. The digital age that makes people play a role in generating info through individual accounts on social media, resulting in the attitude of citizens in connecting different info. No longer entrust the media to special sources, but directly relate to actors directly. In this kind of status, the role of trustworthy media is really needed, remember more and more intersections of info directly from the community. The media will play a role in professing info, and do kroscek or what develops on social media.

Coming last in the midst of the wilderness of online media, LoperOnline.com willed to give him a new color for the online media map in Indonesia. In addition to the advantages of some important news, it presents interesting, unique information, from various corners of the world. Hopefully this variety of content becomes enlightening, and an idea for readers. We hope that LoperOnline.com will help people get more info, clear, and bright.