Work Life Balance, Work Scheme To Be Productive


Maintaining a work-life balance is sometimes an easy task. Many employees, due to irregular working hours, tend to forget to make time for themselves, especially during times like the current pandemic. While it is important to give your best effort to your job, it should not come at the expense of your personal life.

The importance of achieving work-life balance is ideal for most workers. The increasing demands and intense work pressures often push individuals to work excessively in order to maximize productivity. However, this often results in negative consequences such as increased susceptibility to illnesses, lack of time for family, and even financial stress due to excessive spending in an attempt to alleviate the stress experienced.

It is not an easy choice, particularly for those who work in the capital to support their current circumstances. However, achieving work-life balance is crucial for a higher quality of life. By achieving this balance, individuals can enhance their productivity and explore hobbies and talents outside of work, which, in turn, can contribute to their overall happiness in the workplace.

Here are some effective tips to create work-life balance:

1. Establish Time Boundaries for Leaving Work

Remember to establish clear boundaries for work. This practice is beneficial as it sets a deadline for completing tasks. By doing so, work can become more productive and efficient, reducing the likelihood of extending work beyond the specified time limit. Inform your colleagues about these boundaries to prevent them from interrupting you outside of working hours. This approach also helps create a healthy work environment.

2. Allocate Time for Yourself

Time for oneself, often referred to as “me time,” is equally important as work time, socializing with friends, and spending time with family. This dedicated personal time can bring happiness. When individuals feel happy, it positively impacts various aspects of their lives, including work, family, and home. Make sure to allocate time for activities such as taking a nap, playing games, getting a relaxing massage, going on a staycation, or engaging in any activity that brings personal joy.

3. Avoid Multitasking to Achieve Work-Life Balance

While many people believe multitasking increases efficiency and saves time, it actually leads to exhaustion and reduced attention to each task. Instead of multitasking, it is better to adopt a strategic approach. For instance, if you want to pursue a new hobby and also make time for exercise and meeting friends, consider combining these activities. For example, invite friends to join you in trying out a new sport like cycling or roller skating.

4. Organize Weekly Social Events

Organizing weekly social events can contribute to work-life balance. During the pandemic, virtual meetings can be a viable option. Invite friends or family members to gather virtually and share stories. Schedule these gatherings regularly on a weekly basis.

5. Pursue Hobbies

Research has shown that engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy helps maintain mental health and reduces stress. Moreover, it offers several benefits such as strengthening relationships and enhancing career prospects. If you are unsure about what hobby to pursue, consider volunteering. Helping others is a great way to find inner peace and stay connected to people outside of the work environment, leading to improved life satisfaction and reduced psychological stress.

6. Disable Notifications

There may be times when work cannot be completed within regular working hours. While occasionally finishing tasks during vacation time is acceptable, it should not become a habit. Additionally, try to be self-indulgent by disabling all notifications during weekends or when away from work. Avoid checking emails or contacting colleagues during these times. Put away your laptop and distance yourself from work.

Moreover, it is important not to start working early, such as finishing Monday’s work on Sunday. This can lead to exhaustion. Instead, trust your abilities, skills, and coworkers to complete tasks on time.

7. Be Selective

Having a selective mindset in the work environment is crucial for achieving work-life balance. If the company culture requires employees to work overtime and even on weekends, attaining work-life balance becomes extremely challenging. If the principles and demands of your workplace overwhelm you, consider searching for a company that prioritizes work-life balance.

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Work-life balance in the millennial era is closely tied to an individual’s ability to align their work with their desired lifestyle. Lifestyle fulfillment directly affects their level of happiness. That’s why millennials often seek careers that align with their lifestyle goals.

In conclusion, maintaining a work-life balance is essential. Anything in excess or neglect can have detrimental effects. Working excessively can lead to personal breakdowns and strained relationships, while excessive rest can result in uncompleted tasks and potential job loss. Strive to stay productive while also prioritizing time for rest and relaxation.

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