Singapore Red Light Districts, Adult Area


Prostitution in Singapore itself is illegal, but prostitution-related things are different. Legally you cannot prostitute in the open and any transactions or payments must be made in private.

It is illegal to live off a prostitute’s income or become a pimp. Brothels with many girls are also illegal, but singapore police have turned a blind eye to a number of reputable homes as long as they secretly do their business.

It is legal for a prostitute to work for herself and do so in her own home, rent a place or go to a client’s hotel. Prostitutes are required to undergo a medical examination for STD and must carry the current Doctor’s certificate to show that they are clean.

Apart from selected brothels, the Government allows prostitutes to also be found in ‘massage parlours’, ‘spas’ and so on. Many of these companies bring women from China, Thailand, Russia and other poor countries to serve their clients.

It is illegal in Singapore for both business owners and clients of this and its buildings are often raided by undercover police. Heavy fines and imprisonment often follow the second offender. Almost everyone who visits this place knows the legality and risks involved, but the Redlight district of Singapore is still thriving.


Geylang Road is the main line that joins Singapore’s business district with a suburban area close to Changi airport. Both sides of Geylang Street house low-rise houses used for large restaurants and shops that are legally protected from the city’s redevelopment in accordance with the history and heritage of the old city.


Thousands of prostitutes and female therapists from various Asian countries offer their bodies and esek in a small zone with 10 side roads on Geylang Road. Most brothels in Geylang are legal brothels. Their girls are mostly aged 20-29 from Thailand or China, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam and even from Spain and Russia.

singapore’s Geylang continues to be one of Asia’s most sizzling subjects, with millions taking the three-mile Geylang Road and its “aisles” every year.

While some guests are only interested in looking around the scenery, others are looking for popular pleasures in Singapore. Nearby shop houses line the side of the street, and even-numbered alleyways provide plenty of fun homes for adventurers.

Singapore is one of the safest cities in the world except red light districts. Many foreigners make it a risky and intense place and are advised not to travel there alone as there may be a high risk of theft even more than that.

A brothel and massage parlour in Geylang, clients pay a normal price of S$50 (US$38) for 20 minutes of connecting esek-esek within a narrow area. Usually the SPD is $100 for an hour while you can pay up to SPD $200 if the woman is very attractive or young. The business is the best on weekends when crowds of men become one on weekends, their three days flocking on its limited track for nightlife or esek-esek.

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