Keloid: Causes, Prevention, and Skin Types Affected


Keloid – Invisible scars are not uncommon for those who have suffered from acne. These new scars may not be immediately obvious but will gradually show signs of existence on the skin’s surface as pimples continue to appear. Though acne is not a serious condition, it can be painful and inconvenient for those needing clear skin.


They are unsightly and painful lumps or nodules that form on the skin around the scars left by acne. During the healing process, a wound is exposed to oxygen, which stimulates scarring in response. The tips of these red scars may develop into keloid tissue and produce a lump. These mounds can occur anywhere on the body, but they are most common in areas exposed to acne, such as the face and neck. Knowing that the disease is not limited to the skin is important. If you have suffered from an injury or a surgical procedure, you may develop them inside your mouth and in other areas filled with soft tissue.


While there are many theories about what causes them, the most probable cause is inflammation; if you have had a pimple or breakout, you can blame your skin’s reaction to the acne. Certain hormones, such as testosterone and growth hormone, activate the collagen in our bodies, which promotes scar tissue formation. When we get an injury, we make a lot of new scar tissue to improve the quality of our damaged tissues.



People with oily skin are more likely to develop it because of their skin type. Oily skin holds more moisture than normal skin, so it is soft and susceptible to scarring. It explains why people with oily skin are more predisposed to acne when they get a pimple.


People with sensitive skin react strongly to many products or procedures designed to improve their appearance. If you know someone sensitive to sunlight, harsh soaps, and other skincare products, they will be more prone to it.


Normal skin types are the most likely to get it because it is the most common type of skin. Most people have this kind of skin, but some may develop problems with some underlying conditions. So if you have normal skin, you may develop in response to dry skin, which is common with aging.


Dry skin types are another group more likely to get due to their dry condition. This condition is prevalent in babies and those who suffer from chronic dehydration. If you have dry skin, it is probably because your body does not produce the right amount of moisture or because the water you do produce is absorbed immediately by your body.


As you grow older, your skin can age more quickly and become thinner and more fragile. Some underlying conditions may cause your skin to age faster, such as diabetes or a weak immune system. As your skin ages, you will likely develop it and other problems in response. You may already have problems with dry and delicate skin, which is the most common kind of aging-related condition that can result in this disease.


A person with acne will develop this disease and other scars as a reaction. Some scarring may develop into a keloid if you get a pimple on your face or back. The pimple itself may be painful and uncomfortable, but the scar that results causes pain and irritation after the healing process is complete.


People who have suffered from burns or other types of skin damage are more susceptible to this disease in the areas that have been damaged. A burn is one of the worst things that can happen to your skin. It is like an open wound, so scarring will inevitably occur. People with burn scars should also consult a specialist who can help them reduce the appearance of their scars and prevent any lumps from forming around these scars. Another type of skin damage that can lead to it is plastic surgery.


It can run in families. If your mother or sister has them, you may develop them too. If you have one parent with this disease and another without, it makes perfect sense that they can pass it to their children.


Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the immune system starts attacking the body’s tissues and organs. Excess scar tissue can form if a person has an autoimmune disorder where their immune system attacks the body. Many people with lupus or scleroderma develop this disease due to autoimmune disorders.


If you have received radiation to your skin, it may result in disease. Radiation will damage the skin by causing some unnatural changes in its structure. They form as a result of this damage because the scar tissue cannot repair itself properly. You may develop an uneven appearance on your skin, which can lead to acne scars.


Having any medical condition that involves bleeding may cause it to form. Diseases like hemochromatosis, polycythemia, and hypothyroidism can damage the blood vessels in your body, leading to this disease due to a lack of oxygen. In these cases, scarring around your skin will develop for unknown reasons.


Keloid removal typically involves surgical excision or corticosteroid injections, or a combination of both. However, it’s important to note that keloids have a tendency to recur even after removal. Therefore, other treatments such as silicone gel or sheets, cryotherapy, radiation therapy, laser therapy, or pressure therapy may also be recommended to prevent recurrence.

It’s best to consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon who specializes in scar treatment to determine the best course of action for your specific keloid. They can also advise you on the potential risks and benefits of each treatment option.


  • Be careful of things that may trigger your skin’s reaction. If you have been going to the beach, be aware of the sun’s rays and protect yourself as much as possible. If you are prone to dry skin, try using a moisturizer daily so your skin can absorb the moisture better.
  • Do not take any unnecessary risks, such as participating in sports or doing activities that involve contact with water when the sun is at its peak (between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm). Wear good quality sunscreen or cover up as much as possible and reapply every two hours.
  • Once your skin starts getting affected, it is important to act quickly. Washing with harsh soaps and gels will do more harm than good. Look for gentle skin care products (like a sulfur-based soap or cream) designed to soften your skin and help prevent scarring. A numbing cream may help as well.
  • Finally, always consult your doctor if you are still experiencing any issues with your skin. Having the proper treatment and prescription products from a trusted source can help your body heal faster and prevent scarring in the future. If you have any questions about treating or preventing, don’t hesitate to consult with one of our dermatologists today.

If you tend to pick at your skin or have frequent breakouts, you may be at risk of developing. If you have normal or oily skin, are sensitive to sunlight or other products, and are over 30, the risk of getting this disease is even higher. It would be best if you considered visiting a dermatologist for advice on avoiding scarring and reducing the appearance of your existing scars.

Remember, prevention is not always possible, and even with the best efforts, keloids may still develop. If you notice any unusual scarring, speak with your doctor as soon as possible to discuss treatment options.

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