Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty and Nasal Packing Procedure


Understanding the distinction between rhinoplasties and a septoplasty procedure might help you select the best course of action if you have aesthetic or functional difficulties with your nose. While both surgeries aim to address nose-related problems, their objectives can be very different.


It is a collective term for a surgical technique that enables patients to balance their facial features by correcting their noses’ size, symmetry, and shape. Rhinoplasty may be the best action if you have aesthetic issues with your noses, such as nasal asymmetries, a nasal hunch or dip on the bridge, an oversized or sagging nasal point, or large or wide nostrils.

Depending on what you decide with your doctor, it can be carried out as either a closed or an open procedure. Your columella, the tissue bridge between your nostrils, will bear a small scar from an open operation. Scarring is not severe and naturally disappears to leave a thin, undetectable line after recovery is finished. Although there are no external incisions after closed blepharoplasty, it may not be a choice for all patients.

Rhinoplasties treatment is unique and intended to address your particular nasal anatomy because each patient’s cosmetic issues vary. During various treatments, cartilage transplants from different areas of the nose, ear, or in some circumstances, even a rib, may be used.


The surgical technique known as septoplasty addresses functional issues with the nose, such as straightening a twisted or crooked septum. A deviated septum might develop later in life or be brought on by a prior nasal injury. You may be a fit for a septoplasty to straighten your deviated septum and improve your respiration if you have breathing problems out of one or both of your nostrils or if you’ve had physical trauma to the nose that has affected your capacity to breathe.

Depending on the severity of your septal deviation, a closed or open operation can be used to accomplish a septoplasty. To gain access to the cartilage and bone of the septum during a closed operation, a tiny incision is made in the mucosa, the inner lining of the nose. The septum may then be partially removed, trimmed, relocated, or repaired using grafts, according to the individual demands of each patient.


A septoplasty with blepharoplasty features can address your functional and aesthetic concerns in a single treatment if you noticeably crooked nose and a deviated septum that affects your breathing capacity. The primary goal of a septoplasty is to straighten a deviated septum while generally maintaining the external shape of the nose.

However, it is crucial to be aware that, since the patient is already undergoing surgery, a septoplasty might be a valuable opportunity to address a big or bulbous nasal tip, a dorsal hump, or other aesthetic issues.

You should be ready to take time off work while your body heals and recovers, whether you have a septoplasty, rhinoplasties, or both surgeries. Most patients miss five to seven days of work. Most of the swelling goes away within the first few weeks, while some slight swelling may linger for the first six to twelve months following a blepharoplasty. After the treatment, nasal splints and stitches are possible; however, they are normally taken out after one week.

Both procedures are frequently carried out under general anesthesia. Still, if only modest surgery needs to be done on your nose, you may decide to use a local anesthetic along with intravenous sedation. Both treatments are often carried out as outpatient operations, allowing you to leave the hospital the same day as your surgery. Both treatments normally take less than three hours to complete, though this ultimately depends on how many surgical issues are addressed.


Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty and Nasal Packing Procedure

Among the most often done surgical treatments are rhinoplasties, septoplasty, and sinus surgery, either with or without turbinate reduction.

Nasal packing may be extremely uncomfortable, which is why many people worry about it. It might be the most irritating aspect of the healing process following a nasal operation.

Because of this, it’s crucial to understand everything there is to know about nose tampons, including when to use them and their key benefits and drawbacks.

Following a nose job, nasal packing involves filling the nasal cavities with sterile cotton or gauze. Nasal packing is primarily intended to prevent bleeding and stabilize the septum after rhinoplasties.

There are numerous distinct types of nasal packing, and the choice of which type to employ—or whether to use any packing—varies depending on the circumstances.

Historically, nasal packing was frequently kept in place for up to two weeks on a patient.

However, with today’s improvements in surgical methods, there is significantly less bleeding anticipated following a blepharoplasty procedure. Lighter packing can therefore be utilized for a significantly shorter time or not at all.

Some surgeons decide not to use any packing at all. However, patients complain of breathing difficulties brought on by endonasal edema, blood, and mucus buildup. At the end of nasal and sinus surgeries, some “packing” inserted by the surgeon may be injected or placed in the nasal fossae. In a national interdisciplinary survey on rhinoplasties, 39% of surgeons said they used packing 81% to 100% of the time, and 81% said they left the packing in place for 0 to 3 days after surgery.

These recommendations state that nasal packing should only be used on select individuals, such as those with epistaxis, complex, unstable nasal fractures, or other disorders that could significantly increase bleeding. A nose tampon must be used if the bleeding continues after the surgery.


  • Secure elements that have been moved, repositioned, or rebuilt in their correct, anatomically sound placements.
  • Prevent the growth of synechiae.
  • Lower the risk of bleeding and avoid hematoma development.
  • Serve as a vehicle for pharmaceuticals like steroids and antibiotics.
  • Serve as a vehicle for topical medications administered into the body during surgery, such as drops for congested noses that reduce bleeding.

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