Cat Tail Movement Meanings: What Your Cat’s Tail Is Telling You


Those of you who are not cat owners may find it difficult to understand the communication between these two animals frequently nurtured by humans. Cats, being animals, cannot speak human language as we do.

However, cats possess a keen and acute instinct that can sometimes surpass human instincts. To understand the information a cat conveys, one simply needs to observe the movement of its tail.

Cats are not mere tail-wagging creatures; the significance lies in the specific tail movements they make. The cat’s tail holds various meanings and functions, both physically and symbolically. Here are some common meanings associated with a cat’s tail:

  1. Balance: The tail helps a cat to maintain its balance while jumping, running, and walking on narrow surfaces.
  2. Communication: Cats use their tails to communicate their mood and intentions. For example, a puffed up tail can indicate fear or aggression, while a gently flicking tail can indicate playfulness.
  3. Mood: The position of a cat’s tail can indicate its mood. A high tail indicates a happy and confident cat, while a low tail can indicate fear or submission.
  4. Hunting: When a cat is hunting, it may use its tail to help it stay focused and balanced while stalking prey.
  5. Breed: Different cat breeds have different tail lengths and shapes, which can be important in breed recognition and classification.

In some cultures, cats are also associated with certain symbolism or beliefs, such as good luck or bad omens. Therefore, the meaning of a cat’s tail can also vary depending on the cultural context.

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More Cat tail Movements

Cat Tail Meanings Movements
Cat tail Movements

A cat’s tail movement is an essential part of their communication and can reveal a lot about their mood and feelings. Here are some common cat tail movements and their potential meanings:

  • Its long tail curves to the inside of the body and slowly moves down and rises back in one motion, meaning it is feeling relaxed. Usually the cat chooses a cornering position at the right time to enjoy his relaxing time.
  • If the tail is slightly up and curved, that means he’s interested in something. Just like a dog, you can give him harmless objects to play with. It can be plastic balls, bells, and can also be piles of used fabric.
  • a tail is slightly stretched and the tip is curved, meaning the cat is very interested in something. He’s making friends, too. This is the moment when your cat is tame, now it’s time to take her for a joke.
  • a tail is stretched and the tip leads vertically, a sign the cat is getting ready to receive an uninvited ‘guest’. Usually, he would assume the ‘guest” is the opposite of him. When the tail is tense with the tip pointing vertically, the attitude will look more wild and fierce than before.
  • a tail decreases and the tip is ‘wedged’ between its two legs. It’s a sign that the elbow is losing the war. Or encounter things he considers superior.
  • a tail comes down and the feathers ‘stand’ all up, the sign is that the cat is completely in a state of fear. There may be something dangerous around it such as snakes, large lizards or other predatory animals.
  • a tail moves left and right uncontrollably, it’s a sign the cat is angry. When it swings vigorously, it means your cat is ready for war. Get ready for a while then you hear the grunt with another cat.
  • a tail is in normal condition, but the tip is stiff. This version shows that your pet is in pain. When the tail end is getting tense, it means the pain is increasing. In this tail position, cats also become more sensitive. Carefully touch it, it can claw it into action.
  • a tail is stretched like an arrow. The position is often seen when the cat meets his master or someone he likes. The position is also seen when the cat is showing its behavior in marking a particular area, while spraying its liquid into the corners of the area.
  • a tail moves to one side. Usually performed by a female cat when her sexual arousal is burning and ready to be fertilized by the male. It’s time to find an opponent for him to breed.
  • a tail is straight and the fur stands all up, a sign the cat is being aggressive.
  • a tail is curved and the fur stands up. Ready for war, and the fur that stands is the cat’s strategy to look big in front of his opponent.
  • a tail and back of the body descend down to the tail sometimes
    in the slit of two hind legs means the middle cat is sick hard. Even in some cases, the cat has been hunted to death without the master’s knowledge.

That’s the meaning behind the movement of a cat’s tail. Now, armed with this knowledge, you can interpret the cues your cat is trying to communicate to you. Good luck!

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